

Aromatherapy or the benefits of plants

Our aromatherapy catalog includes essential oils, floral essences and Bach flower. Discover the benefits of plants and flowers and take care of your health in a natural way. Whether you are dealing with physical ailments or the ills of the soul, nature can help you and promote your physical, mental and emotional well-being.


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Water Lily, Flower Essence


Water Lily, Karmic Flower Essence

Longrines: Water Lily. Deep feelings of loneliness or isolation usually originate from experiences in other lifetimes where we have perhaps been unable to communicate with those around us or experienced great grief or sadness, which has left deep emotional scars in the heart. This can sometimes lead to the personality choosing not to engage with others through a reluctance to experience these feelings again. Karmic Water Lily is the essence to help us to gently dispel these feelings.

Inner Joy, Essence


Indications - helps to dissolve lower emotions like despair and hopelessness releasing the block to the natural flow of higher emotions like joy and happiness. Will support anyone who needs to create more inner joy & light.

Wild Orchid, Flower Essence


Wild Orchid, Karmic Flower Essence

Uncertainty: Wild Orchid. Feelings of uncertainty originate from a belief in separation from Source and therefore from the higher aspects of ourselves. Without this connection we are unable to guide ourselves through life from an intuitive knowing of what is right for us and so fall into doubt and uncertainty. Wild Orchid dispels the deep-rooted energies of doubt and uncertainty, raising our consciousness so that once again we are able to feel our connection with Source.

Lemon Eucalyptus essential oil LE CHATELARD 1802


The benefits of lemon eucalyptus essential oil from CHATELARD 1802

The lemon eucalyptus essential oil promotes calm and relaxation. Lemon eucalyptus is very interesting and effective both as an analgesic and to calm anxieties. Its very strong scent with the smell of lemongrass may please or totally displease. This essential oil is said to be essential for joint and muscle problems.

Tea tree essential oil LE CHATELARD 1802


The Benefits of Organic Tea Tree Essential Oil or CHATELARD 1802 Tea Tree

Promotes the natural resistance of the body.

The essential oil of tea tree is essential in the medicine cabinet. The tea tree is an extraordinary anti-infective. Mycoses, bacteria, viruses ... Nothing resists him!

Inner Calm,Essence


Indications - deep patterns of fearfulness, worry or insecurity possibly manifesting as unfounded feelings of panic or a deep dislike of something. Also difficulty facing particular situations in life or achieving ones full potential indicate underlying fears.

Pink Rose, Flower Essence


Pink Rose, Karmic Flower Essence.

Fear: Pink Rose is an extremely powerful essence to help release and neutralise deep-rooted fears. Fearful and traumatic experiences have been part of life on Earth for thousands of years, and many people still have the emotional memory of these experiences locked away in their unconscious. This is what we call karmic fear, because there is still a lesson to be learnt through the process of consciously overcoming the fear. This kind of fear is often the root cause of physical complaints like asthma or eczema.

Healing Bereavement Essence


Indications - an excellent support for those consciously grieving the loss of a loved one. Also helpful to transform buried grief & loss, possibly manifesting as an unreasonable fear of loss or an inability to deal with another’s grief.

Valerian, Flower Essence


Valerian, Karmic Flower Essence

Lack of Interest: Valerian helps to balance the different ways in which we prevent ourselves from being fully present in the NOW. Whether that is preferring to live in past ‘happier’ times or to live in an imaginary future where life will be ‘better’ than the present, or perhaps because of an overactive mind prevents you from fully experiencing what is going on around you. These are all states that are indicative of a deep reluctance in the personality to fully take part in life, or to completely occupy the physical body. This is a very common state in many of us. Valerian is the deep acting essence that will help us to move the energy of these old patterns.

Essential oil with cinnamon LE CHATELARD


The benefits of cinnamon essential oil from CHATELARD 1802

Cinnamon essential oil helps stimulate the body\'s natural defenses.

Ceylon Cinnamon essential oil is probably the most powerful antibacterial. It kills 99.9% of microbes even those resistant to antibiotics, but watch out for its aggressiveness on the skin.

Forgiveness, Essence


Indications - lack of self-love, inability to forgive oneself or others, self-condemnation or judgement. For those who feel guilt, perhaps carrying deep feelings of responsibility for past ‘mistakes’, or feeling to blame for something that cannot be consciously identified.

White Bluebell, Flower Essence


White Bluebell, Karmic Flower Essence

Oversensitivity: White Bluebell. All of the remedies in the Oversensitivity group express different ways in which the personality reacts to the feelings of vulnerability created by extreme sensitivity to the emotional and mental energies of others. Those in need of this essence are acutely and uncomfortably aware of the thoughts and emotions of others and are often unable to recognise that these are not their own emotions. This sensitivity is a wonderful tool when in balance but to use it to advantage it is necessary to be able to consciously separate what is your own energy from that of those around you.

Karmic Flower Essences set of 10


Set of 10 Karmic Essences, 1 bottle of each.

Karmic Essences are a powerful set of flower essences that can help to open the inner doorways and take you straight to the heart of an issue, promoting a swift release of any unconscious belief pattern that is holding you back.
Simple and easy to use they link directly into the seven personality groups identified by Dr Edward Bach.
These Karmic  Essences can be stocked individually or in sets, and we offer a colour poster showing the Bach groups and Karmic Essences.

Feeling Worthy Essences


Indications - where there is a problem with self-nurturing, or deep feelings that one is not as good as others. Also for those who easily feel inferior, are very sensitive to criticism or perhaps have an unexplainable sense of incompleteness.

Rosemary essential oil 10 ML LE CHATELARD 1802


The Benefits of Rosemary Verbena Essential Oil

The essential oil of rosemary verbenone is recommended to clear the airways in case of bronchial congestion, sinusitis, cold or bronchitis.
Balancing of the nervous system, nervous tonic, stimulant Tonic and stimulant of the nervous system, the essential oil of rosemary to verbenone is used in case of fatigue overwork or exhaustion.
Effective against psoriasis, rosemary essential oil Verbénone accelerates tissue repair and prevents its inflammation, thus participating in healing.