Healing Bereavement Essence

Indications - an excellent support for those consciously grieving the loss of a loved one. Also helpful to transform buried grief & loss, possibly manifesting as an unreasonable fear of loss or an inability to deal with another’s grief.

VAT included




Grief is a very powerful emotion and one that many people are unaware that they carry at an unconscious level. A deep loss, whether caused by death, divorce or in some other way, leaves a shock in our energetic system. When we are unable to release the accompanying very natural emotions of grief and sadness these feelings are gradually buried deeper and deeper into the unconscious. Buried grief can often be recognised as a sense of unexplained sadness in the heart or perhaps as a fear of making a real heart connection with someone in case the pain of loss is repeated. Sometimes when working with this emotion we can find that the root of the issue comes from our original feelings of grief at separation from our twin soul. As we release and transmute these old memories we are able to open our hearts and recognise that we have always been connected to the Whole.
Energetic infusion of: Eucalyptus, Bleeding Heart, Snowdrop, Elecampane, Sardonyx, Borage.

How To Use the Divine Harmony Essences?
Take 4 drops 3 or 4 x a day directly from the stock bottle for as long as needed to create a shift in the energy of the pattern you are working with. The amount of time needed for this to happen can vary from a couple of days to a week or more, depending on the circumstances. In our experience, it is not unusual to finish a whole bottle before all possible transformation feels complete. In addition, any of the essences in this set can be taken short term, to help promote a quick shift of energy in a pattern that you are working with.

Please Note - Using vibrational essences does not replace medical treatment.

Storage Advice - It is best to store vibrational medicine in a cool place away from TVs, microwaves, computers, wireless or mobile phones, etc.

Ingredients: Organic Brandy, Water, (Alcohol 23% bv).


Data sheet

10 ml