

Aromatherapy or the benefits of plants

Our aromatherapy catalog includes essential oils, floral essences and Bach flower. Discover the benefits of plants and flowers and take care of your health in a natural way. Whether you are dealing with physical ailments or the ills of the soul, nature can help you and promote your physical, mental and emotional well-being.


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Ayurvedic Perfumed Oil Neroli and Bergamot


Song of India Natural Ayurvedic Perfume Oil is made from pure essential oils extracted from flowers, leaves, roots and woods. As the aromas age, they mature and become darker, thicker and even more pleasant smelling. In a beautiful mouth-blown glass bottle.

Sacred Geometry Elixir SET of 10


The Sacred Geometry Set contains the following 10 Essences: Tetrahedron, Hexahedron, Octahedron, Dodecahedron, Icosahedron, Flower of Life, Sphere, Star Terahedron, Metatrons Blends & Inner Light.

The Platonic Solid & Sacred Geometry Essences are powerful reminders to our energetic system of their original matrix or blueprint. Working at a subtle level these Essences help to encourage restoration of order and balance within our energetic blueprint.

Inner Light, Sacred Geometry Elixir


The Inner Light Essence is a a blend of all five Platonic Solid Essences & Sphere, together with the vibrations of Gold, Shattuckite & Green Calcite. This combination will help the body and its energetic structure remember how to absorb and use the regenerative properties of light.

We are all currently involved in a process of evolution which is rapidly expanding our consciousness and promoting change in our energetic structures. A major aspect of this evolutionary change is the requirement for us to remember how to use and assimilate high frequency energy in the form of light, through all aspects of our being. However, the old patterns of density that we have become accustomed to, create a resistance to this process that can sometimes be slow to shift, especially at a denser level.

Icosahedron, Sacred Geometry Elixir


The Icosahedron brings in a flow of feminine, creative energies that are both expansive and flowing in nature.

Use this essence to expand your natural emotional flow, so that lower frequency emotions can be transformed and replaced by higher frequency ones. This Essence promotes creativity, movement and flexibility.

Babaji Essence


Strengthen your connection for purification and transmutation of negative energies.
Known as the Yogi-Christ, Babaji is a Mahavatar or great Avatar. He is also known as the deathless avatar because throughout the many centuries since his ascension he has continued to manifest a human body and to work from his spiritual retreat in the Himalayas, providing a living example for humanity of our own potential. It is said that to speak his name with reverence will attract a blessing from him. 

Essential oil Rosemary cineole (Rosm. off. ct cin.) organic


Rosemary is a small shrub that grows in the North African garrigue on the Mediterranean. It has linear, tough, green-lasting leaves with parallel rolled edges. It has bluish, sometimes white flowers. Rosemary ct cineol essential oil resembles Eucalyptus radiata and ravintsara essential oil. Therefore, it is used for the same indications and is combined with one of these two to achieve a stronger synergistic effect.

Information on packaging is only in Dutch, French and Spanish.
Shelf life is about 5 years.

Content ml 10

Flower of Life, Sacred Geometry Essences


The ancient pattern of the Flower of Life is the original blueprint for creation in our universe. Hidden within the flowing feminine circles of creation that are visible in the pattern, are Metatron’s Cube and all the Platonic Solid shapes contained within it.

These structures can be revealed by drawing straight lines connecting the centres of the circles in the correct order. The reflection of your own Divinity is held within the energetic template of this pattern.

Use the essence to release distortions in your own blueprint and connect more fully to the inter-connectedness and sacredness of Life.

Essential oil Chakra 1° Muladhara


Essential chakra oil, prepared following the ancient principles of natural holistic medicine. Regular use harmonises the energetic system, giving a stable vibration to our psycophysical system.

Packaging: Glass bottle in cardboard box.

Essential oil Chakra 3° Manipura


Essential chakra oil, prepared following the ancient principles of natural holistic medicine. Regular use harmonises the energetic system, giving a stable vibration to our psycophysical system.

Packaging: Glass bottle in cardboard box.

Essential oil Chakra 4° Anahata


Essential chakra oil, prepared following the ancient principles of natural holistic medicine. Regular use harmonises the energetic system, giving a stable vibration to our psycophysical system.

Packaging: Glass bottle in cardboard box.

Essential oil Chakra 5° Vishudda


Essential chakra oil, prepared following the ancient principles of natural holistic medicine. Regular use harmonises the energetic system, giving a stable vibration to our psycophysical system.

Packaging: Glass bottle in cardboard box.

Essential oil Chakra 6° Ajna


Essential chakra oil, prepared following the ancient principles of natural holistic medicine. Regular use harmonises the energetic system, giving a stable vibration to our psycophysical system.

Packaging: Glass bottle in cardboard box.

Essential oil Chakra 7 Sahasrara


Essential chakra oil, prepared following the ancient principles of natural holistic medicine. Regular use harmonises the energetic system, giving a stable vibration to our psycophysical system.

Packaging: Glass bottle in cardboard box.

Lemongrass (Java Citronnella) essential oil


The essential oil of lemongrass Java promotes good digestion and keeps mosquitoes away.

The essential oils of LADRÔME laboratory are 100% organic, pure and chemotyped. They are not diluted, elongated or cut with other oils. Their biological origin is guaranteed by the control of an external organism. Each stage of the production chain (HACCP standard) is mastered.
Essential oils for efficiency.
Certified organic

Essential oil with cinnamon LE CHATELARD


The benefits of cinnamon essential oil from CHATELARD 1802

Cinnamon essential oil helps stimulate the body\'s natural defenses.

Ceylon Cinnamon essential oil is probably the most powerful antibacterial. It kills 99.9% of microbes even those resistant to antibiotics, but watch out for its aggressiveness on the skin.

Sananda Essence


Strengthen your connection for purification and transmutation of negative energies. Perhaps the most well known and loved of all the Ascended Masters through his incarnation as Jesus Christ. He is the Master of the Sixth Ray which embodies the qualities of devotion and idealism. He is said to be one of twelve sons/daughters of God and his life as Jesus personified Godliness living in human form. He was/is the way shower for our own spiritual journey and ascension. In esoteric literature he is said to have had lives on earth as Adam, Enoch, Jeshua, Joshua, Elija & Joseph of Egypt.