Vital Water Pitcher Cadus with White Flower of Life and wooden cap

With its finely contoured form, designed with the golden ratio in mind, the "Cadus", with a delicate shape attuned to the principles of the golden rectangle. This pitcher comes with the Flower of Life symbol and a cap made of olive wood. The sophisticated design enhances both the biological value and the fl avor of any liquid it might contain.

Production: hand-blown traditional workmanship
Materials: lead-free glass, olive wood cap

VAT included




Flower of Life
This « Flower of Life » is one of the standard & most powerful symbols in nature, in the holy geometry. It is an ancient metaphor for the connection of all life in the Universe. In many cultures this symbol has been known ; it is mostly applied for vitalising and stabilising of foods and fluids. Its shape and symbolic powers are transferred and will resonate in fluids. This symbol is always situated on the bottom of all drinking glasses and carafes ALLADIN.

WHITE: promotes openness and completeness in perception.

Quality Matters
The water you drink and use comes to you through an involved process, such as pressurization, filtering, sedentary storage, etc., a process which has an effect on the quality of water as it comes out of the tap or bottle. Water's journey through pipes, filters, tanks and other processes we use to insure the essential safety of the water supply also takes out the natural vitality of the water as it is found in nature.
TC energy design glassware re-activates processed water and brings it «back to life» back to the energetic form it is in when it originally comes from nature.
The spring: The best water for human health is fresh spring water.
The stress: Even the best Spring water looses vitality and energy when it is moved through pipes and other forms of water processing.
The remedy: The design of Nature design glassware revitalizes weakened, processed water from any source. Other liquids, such as juices and wine, are also improved in taste and biological vitality when held in TC glassware. Normal tap water is weakened by the unnaturally high pipe pressure and the flow in said pipes. A 3 minutes stay in the Nature design  carafe is enough to improve weakened tap water. The survey results come from the laboratory EF Brown, CH-3628 Uttigen, Switzerland.

Traditional craftsmanship is necessary for the production of Nature design products. Each carafe is mouth-blown, using an individual, pre-formed mold. This individual production process makes every carafe a unique work of art.
The Flower-Of-Life symbols on the bottom are emblazoned into the glass base at 600°c. (approx. 1100° F).
The glass used to make Nature design glassware is approximately 40% silica sand, which is known to be a highly energetic medium. The glass for Nature design glassware is completely free of lead or any other heavy metals.


Data sheet

1000 ML