Tuning forks

Tuning forks

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Tuning fork set Sacred Solfeggio


The Sacred Solfeggio Tuning Forks are a set of 9 forks, including the 3 missing notes in the sacred frequencies known as the Secret Solfeggio. These were discovered by Dr. Joseph Puleo using the ancient Pythagorean method of reducing the verse numbers to their single digit integers, the codes revealed a series of electro-magnetic sound frequencies that correspond to the 3 missing tones of the ancient Solfeggio scale.
Unweighted funing forks, that come in a blue velvet pouch.

Tuning Fork Sonic Ohm with activator


The Sonic Ohm Tuning Fork is an excellent sound tool for balancing the energetic fields or Chakras of your body, and can also be used for cleaning Crystals. This set includes a Sonic Ohm Tuning Fork, Activator, and Instructions for Use.

Tuning forks 14 meridians


This set of 14 tuning forks correspond to 12 major meridians and 2 central vessels. These tuning forks are also useful for 14 major organs and organ systems. The process used to balance the meridians is called entrainment. Collins\' English Dictionary defines "entrainment" as adjusting an internal rhythm, so that it synchronises with something external. In balancing with tuning forks, the vibration of the fork will bring the vibration of the internal meridian or organ group back into the correct vibration, to achieve homeostasis.
Unweighted tuning forks in a blue velvet pouch.

Tuning Forks Angel


The Angel Tuners are a set of 3 Crystal Unweighted Tuners. The Angel Tuners open our spirit to the Angelic Kingdom. They are based on the ninth octave of the overtone series. In the overtone series a fundamental tone creates a second tone, the second tone creates a third tone, etc. These tones are ascending in pitch. The sound will be delicate and high in pitch.
These 3 tuning forks are based on 4096 Hz, 4160 Hz and 4225 Hz.
They come in a blue velvet pouch.

Tuning Forks Angel gold colour


The Angel Tuners are a set of 3 Crystal Tuners. The Angel Tuners open our spirit to the Angelic Kingdom. They are based on the ninth octave of the overtone series. In the overtone series a fundamental tone creates a second tone, the second tone creates a third tone, and so forth. These tones are ascending in pitch. The sound will be delicate and high in pitch.


These tuning forks vibrate at a frequency of 4096 Hz, 4160 Hz and 4225 Hz.

Weighted tuning forks.
With blue velvet pouch.

Tuning Forks book Sound Healing with Tuning Forks plus DVD


A Practical Application Manual of 112 pages, plus a DVD of 26 minutes.
In English.

The Manual features: - A treatise and exploration on the healing aspects of vibration, sound & music - A Sound Healing system using Ohm Tuning Forks + music in the “key” of Ohm - 25 illustrated treatment protocols for Treating Others and Self-Treatment - With additional illustrations and photos.

The DVD demonstrates: - Tuning Fork Technique - Pace of Application and Body Mechanics - Tuning Fork Application Methods (for the physical & energetic body) - 20 Protocols for Treating Others, including a treatment with Singing Bowls.

Tuning forks C & G full body purple


These C & G tuners are a set of two tuning forks, of the Pythagorean scale, or "right scale", and can be used all over the body. They emit a specific interval (distance between the head tones), which is called in music and sound therapy "Perfect Fifth" (the perfect quint).

Tuning forks C & G whole body


These C & G Tuners are 2 unweighted tuning forks. They are based on the Pythagorean or Just Scale, also known as Whole Body Tuners. They create the special interval in music and sound therapies called the Perfect Fifth. In India, this Fifth is believed to create a sound through which Shiva calls Shakti to the Dance of Life. In Polarity Therapy, this star is the physical body in motion and the motion of subtle energy inside the physical body. It is also believed that this is the sound that the Greek Sun God of Music and Healing, Apollo, plucked on his sacred lyre. He did this in order to beckon dolphin messengers to Delphi. Lao Tzu referred to this interval as \'the sound of Universal Harmony\', balancing the forces of Yin & Yang.

Tuning forks C & G whole body gold colour


The C & G Tuners are 2 tuning forks. They are based on the Pythagorean or Just Scale, also known as Whole Body Tuners. They create the special interval in music and sound therapies called the Perfect Fifth. In India, this Fifth is believed to create a sound through which Shiva calls Shakti to the Dance of Life. In Polarity Therapy, this star is the physical body in motion and the motion of subtle energy inside the physical body. It is also believed that this is the sound that the Greek Sun God of Music and Healing, namely Apollo, plucked on his sacred lyre. He did this in order to beckon dolphin messengers to Delphi. Lao Tso referred to this interval as the sound of Universal Harmony, balancing the forces of Yin & Yang.

Tuning Forks Chakra Balancing Set


Sweep the energetic field around the body—sometimes referred to as the subtle or auric body—with the High Ohm and Sonic Ohm Tuning Forks to help dispel stagnating energies, and promote a healthy and unobstructed flow of Qi, the body’s circulating vital energy.

This set includes:
High Ohm Octave Set (272.2 + 544.4 hz)
Sonic Ohm Tuning Fork (1088.8 hz)
Latex-free Activator
Sound Healing CD

Tuning Forks High Ohm


The High Ohm Tuning Fork Set is ideal for use on the energy field around the body, and for clearing and resetting the energy of a room. The sound wave produced by the High Ohm Octave is soothing and therapeutic and it can help restore balance to the energy field around your body, thereby benefiting your physical body. These tuning forks are also recommended to help clear the energy of a particular space or room, making them ideal tools for home and professional use.

Tuning Forks Mid & Low Luna


This set includes Mid Luna Tuning Fork (210.42 hz), Low Luna Tuning Fork (105.21 hz). The weighted Luna Tuning Forks are considered a more advanced application. Their use builds upon an understanding of the therapeutic application of Ohm and its octaves.

Tuning Forks Ohm Octave SET + activator


The Ohm Octave is a beautiful and healing musical interval, connecting us with the Earth, and furthering our understanding of Ohm. This set consists of the Mid-Ohm (136.1 Hz) and the Low-Ohm (68.05 Hz) Tuning Forks, Activator, overview of Sound Healing, plus information about Octaves, Overtones and an Instruction Booklet (in English). When these two different tuning forks are sounded together, they create the beautiful and healing musical interval of an Ohm Octave. These forks can be used therapeutically as a listening experience and by applying them to your body.

Tuning forks Otto


The Otto Tuning Forks are tuned to the frequencies of 32hz, 64hz and 128hz. They vibrate at a low pitch due to their weighted prongs and are primarily used for relaxation and grounding.

Set of 3 \'weighted\' tuning forks.
Comes with a blue velvet pouch.

C note on 32Hz: works with skin and hair to stimulate nerves and hair. Good for grounding.
C note on 64Hz: helps loosen sacral ligaments and stimulates and balances the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Useful in trauma relief and grounding.
C note on 128Hz: is used for grounding and relaxation.

Tuning forks professional starter set


This professional set includes two weighted Mid Om Tuning Forks (both tuned to 136.1 hz), plus detailed instructions, photos and illustrations demonstrating use. Also a Practitioner Activator, and a 26 minute DVD on Tuning Fork Application and a Sound Healing CD.

Massage, Cranial/Sacral and Polarity Therapists, Spa technicians, Chiropractors, and other professionals experienced that these vibrational tools can enhance their treatments and help attune the body on a cellular level.

Size cm: 19x4