Tuning forks 14 meridians

This set of 14 tuning forks correspond to 12 major meridians and 2 central vessels. These tuning forks are also useful for 14 major organs and organ systems. The process used to balance the meridians is called entrainment. Collins' English Dictionary defines "entrainment" as adjusting an internal rhythm, so that it synchronises with something external. In balancing with tuning forks, the vibration of the fork will bring the vibration of the internal meridian or organ group back into the correct vibration, to achieve homeostasis.
Unweighted tuning forks in a blue velvet pouch.

VAT included




These tuning forks are based on these acupuncture meridians:
- Large intestine
- Lung
- Liver
- Gall bladder
- Triple heater
- Pericardia
- Kidney
- Bladder
- Small intestine
- Heart
- Spleen
- Stomach
- GV governing
- CV central