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  • Brand: GOLOKA

7 chakras incense box


Each chakra is a multi-dimensional ball of radiant energy, a vortex forming an essential part of the energy matrix that supports the physical body, mind and emotions. Each is a doorway that can be opened to greater energetic, physical, and spiritual knowledge. Each of the seven main chakras represents a particular frequency of energy. Goloka seven chakra incenses are made with the appropriate fragrance for each chakra, which has the necessary effect of cleansing and harmonizing the energy center.

Benzoin Goloka resin incense 50 g


Goloka Benzoin is a common ingredient in incense-making and perfumery because of its sweet vanilla undertone with earthy balsam notes and fixative properties.
Resin along with inhaled smoke, get into our nostrils and are detected by our smell receptors and their effects are transmitted to our brain, thereby stimulating the nervous centre. This also gives a warm feeling, stimulates the heart beat and improves circulation.

Botanical Name: Styrax tonkinensis - Origin: Thailand & Laos

Copal Goloka Resin Incense 50 g


Copal natural resin of the Goloka brand

Goloka Copal has a powerful, crisp, clearing, sharp Scent which primarily is used as an incense by ancient civilizations. It was often used in religious occasions, in the form of sacrifices to deities (typically designating the copal as food for the gods)

Botanical name: Protium copal - Origin: East Africa & Indonesia

Frankincense resin Incense Goloka 50 g


Frankincense natural resin of the brand Gloloka.

It was called frank because of the freeness with, when burned, it gives forth its fragance. Smoke emanating from burning Goloka Frankincense resins act as protection, purification, spiritual awareness & antidepressant. Christian and Islamic Abrahamic faiths have all used frankincense mixed with oils to anoint new born infants, initates and members entering into new phases of their spiritual lives.

Botanical Name: Boswellia sacra - Origin: Somalia & India

Goloka Tree of Life Incense


When the branches outgrow to gift the energy of life, pause and recline under the shadow. Infused wiyh the essence of giving life, the aroma of these incense sticks stays immortal in the environment, just like the tree of life.