List of products by brand SONG OF INDIA

Natural incense resins from the brand Song of India

The journey began in the former walled city of Delhi in 1932, when their great-grandfather, Mr. Jagdamba Prashad Mathur, founded a small manufacturing unit called Mathur Parfumery Works. It was a modest beginning to produce products using natural ingredients such as herbs, plants, roots, etc. His own personal formulations were highly appreciated in the local community. He never wanted to do it on a large scale. He was more of a family man than a businessman. He passed on to his son, Mr. Durga Prashad Mathur, his art of making perfumes, massage and body oils, incense and vegetable oils. He simply followed his father's techniques and lived a very simple and non-contractual life. She was a very polite and generous person. His wife, Mrs. Raj Rani Mathur, helped him and helped him in the store while he was busy in manufacturing.

As we celebrate our 80th anniversary, the fourth generation of this Mathur family expresses its gratitude for the support and trust they have placed in us.

Frank incense incense resin 60 g


She was called Frank because of the openness of the flame with, when burned, she gives off her scent. The smoke from the burning of incense resins serves as protection, purification, spiritual awareness and antidepressant. Christian and Islamic denominations of Abraham all used Frankincense mixed with oil to embalm newborns, initiates and members entering new phases of their spiritual lives.

Incense Benzoin Resin 75 g


Benzoin resin of Song Of India brand, it is possible to mix it with sandalwood.

Benzoin incense is an important protector and purifier of the house. Benzoin calms the mind and promotes contemplation. It is considered an incense that helps to fight excesses of all kinds. He hunts down depressive tendencies and black ideas. He awakens enthusiasm, idealism and kindness. Benzoin is the symbol par excellence of prosperity and purification. He favors visions and helps personal spiritual evolution.

Orange Cinnamon resin incense 30 g


Cinnamon Orange Resin from Song Of India

To burn Cinnamon-Orange resin is to increase spirituality, psychic powers and healing,
promotes success. Cinnamon is associated with the element Fire and Earth and the Sun, symbol of all life, creative force, energy. It harmonizes the aura.
His powers are of the order of spirituality, success, prosperity and healing, sexual desire and love ...
Burned in the form of incense, it raises the level of spiritual vibrations, stimulates parapsychic faculties and generates protective vibrations.

English Lavender resin incense 8 g


English lavender resin from Song Of India brand.

Resin lavender incense eliminates negative waves, allows a good relaxation of the nervous system, brings serenity, protects the whole family and develops the faculties of clairvoyance.

Incense meditation resin 10 g


Meditation resin incense by Soung of India

Incense Meditation is, as its name suggests, intended to facilitate the entry and preservation of meditation states, here we are dealing with receptive or passive meditations. It is therefore suitable for techniques such as Za Zen or meditation on the vacuum. It will also prove useful when one practices the relaxation, that one listens to cassettes of sophrology or any other technique of suggestion.
Christians may use it for example to accompany the recitation of a number of rosaries or litanies.
We also recommend it for practices related to astral travel.

Royal Oud incense resin 25g


Royal Oud resin from Song Of India brand

For relaxation, relaxation and meditation, soothing and relaxing, it suppresses the negative energies of the body, and improves perception, reduces anxiety and invokes a sense of peace, vigor and harmony
Remove obsessive behaviors and help create harmony and balance in your home
It is used and recommended by spiritual masters to provide inspiration and conditioning for meditation, attaining inner peace and serenity
Use by Buddhist monks to bring a connection between body and mind functions
Improves the reception of the senses and opens the mind.

Mystic rose incense resin 10g


Mystic rose resin of Song Of India brand, this resin is part of the incense of Venus Prosperity
very powerful to attract good spirits, love and friendship.

Made in the house, fumigations of Mystic rose will bring harmony.
Also releases blocked energies renewing vitality.