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Scented candles


Scented candles

Enrichment guaranteed with our selection of scented candle bio with delicate and varied scents based on essential oils. Fruity fragrance, woody, floral or spicy, with our scented candles you are spoiled for choice. Discover also our candles of meditation and relaxation, ideal for the work on oneself or for a Zen and spiritual atmosphere under forget our candles for chakra which will help you to dissolve your energy blockings. Relaxing atmosphere candle, intoxicating scented candle or soothing meditation candle, it's up to you!


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  • Categories: Meditation candles
  • Categories: Scented candles

Scented votive candle 1th chakra


Quality of 1st chakra (Muladhara): SURVIVAL - POWER

Stearin, scented votive chakra candle
Fair Trade (WFTO) and GeenPalm certified
Scented with essential oils: cassia, clove, nutmeg
Burning time: 11-12 hours if burned in glass; when burned without glass some hours less
No smoke, stable flame, cotton wick

Scented votive candle 2th chakra


Quality of 2nd chakra (Svadhisthana): Balance

Stearin scented votive chakra candle
Fair Trade (WFTO) and GeenPalm certified
Scented with essential oils: cedar, spruce, rosemary
Burning time: 11-12 hours if burned in glass; when burned without glass some hours less
No smoke, stable flame, cotton wick

Scented votive candle 3th chakra


Quality of 3rd chakra (Manipura): Willpower
Stearin scented votive chakra candle
Fair Trade (WFTO) and GeenPalm certified
Scented with essential oils: bergamot, lime, grapefruit
Burning time: 11-12 hours if burned in glass; when burned without glass some hours less
No smoke, stable flame, cotton wick

Scented votive candle 4th chakra


Quality of 4th chakra (Anahata): Love
Stearin scented votive chakra candle
Fair Trade (WFTO) and GeenPalm certified
Scented with essential oils: lavender, orange, tangerine
Burning time: 11-12 hours if burned in glass; when burned without glass some hours less
No smoke, stable flame, cotton wick

Scented votive candle 5th chakra


Quality of 5th chakra (Vishuddha): Creativity
Stearin scented votive chakra candle
Fair Trade (WFTO) and GeenPalm certified
Scented with essential oils: Moroccan rose, chamomile
Burning time: 11-12 hours if burned in glass; when burned without glass some hours less
No smoke, stable flame, cotton wick

Scented votive candle 6th chakra


Quality of 6th chakra (Ajña): Wisdom
Stearin scented votive chakra candle
Fair Trade (WFTO) and GeenPalm certified
Scented with essential oils: lavender, spruce, chamomile
Burning time: 11-12 hours if burned in glass; when burned without glass some hours less
No smoke, stable flame, cotton wick

Scented votive candle 7th chakra


Quality of 7th chakra (Sahasrara): Spirituality
Stearin scented votive chakra candle
Fair Trade (WFTO) and GeenPalm certified
Scented with essential oils: patchouli, labdanum, fransincense
Burning time: 11-12 hours if burned in glass; when burned without glass some hours less
No smoke, stable flame, cotton wick