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Mala Turquoise AA-quality with guru bead


The colours of turquoise can vary from apple green to deep blue. This stone was used by the original inhabitants of America, the paleo Indians, for supporting visions and making contact with the spiritual dimensions. Turquoise opens the third eye, makes the mind calm and clear, purifies and protects. On a physical level, turquoise supports the eyes, absorption of nutrients and metabolism. Turquoise helps to detox and counteracts acidification and inflammation. *
* This information has not been scientifically proven; it is based on experiences of users and therapists. Any healing properties outlined are in no way meant to replace diagnosis or treatment by a qualified therapist or physician.

Mala Tiger Eye AA quality 108 beads + bag


Tiger eye is a quartz mixed with iron compounds, which provide the distinctive striped effect. Tiger eye has a strong connection with the sun and the solar plexus. The stone is warming, uplifting and \'burns\' negative influences. It revitalises and makes you feel more energetic. Supports digestive fire, gastrointestinal function, eyes, liver and autonomic nervous system.*
*Above-mentioned information has not been acknowledged scientifically, but is based on experiences and results of users and therapists.

Mala Sodalite AA quality 108 beads


AA quality Soladite Mala, 108 pearls of 0.6 cm + brocade bag

Sodalite supports insight and helps to be loyal towards yourself. It enhances self-acceptance, self-respect and self-confidence. Sodalite reinforces logical thinking, reasoning and objectivity, and unifies this with intuition. The stone will absorb electromagnetic radiation from computers and cellphones, and stimulates a deep, insightful meditation. It can be used in a group to enhance harmony, trust and solidarity. Physically, it helps with complaints of the throat, neck, larynx, and vocal chords (hoarseness). It is cooling so beneficial with fever, hypertension, and supports digestion.

Mala Shungite AA quality 108 beads


Mala en Shungite de qualité AA, 108 perles de 0.8 cm + sachet en brocart.

Shungite is a black stone, more than 2 billion years old, which resembles coal. Shungite can absorb polluting particles from the environment and is therefore perfectly suited to neutralise electrosmog. Is also known for its anti-bacterial effects.

Mala Shungite AA quality 108 beads


Mala en Shungite de qualité AA, 108 perles de 0.6 cm + sachet en brocart.

Shungite is a black stone, more than 2 billion years old, which resembles coal. Shungite can absorb polluting particles from the environment and is therefore perfectly suited to neutralise electrosmog. Is also known for its anti-bacterial effects.

Mala Seven chakra stones A quality 108 beads


Stone mala 7 chakra of quality A, 108 pearls of 0.8 cm + brocade bag.

Red - 1st chakra: Garnet
Orange - 2nd chakra: Carnelian
Yellow - 3rd chakra: Citrine
Green - 4th chakra: Green aventurine
Light blue - 5th chakra: Aqua aura
Dark blue - 6th chakra: Lapis lazuli
Purple - 7th chakra: Amethyst

Mala Seven chakra stones A quality 108 beads


Stone mala 7 chakra of quality A, 108 pearls of 0.6 cm + brocade bag.

Red - 1st chakra: Garnet
Orange - 2nd chakra: Carnelian
Yellow - 3rd chakra: Citrine
Green - 4th chakra: Green aventurine
Light blue - 5th chakra: Aqua aura
Dark blue - 6th chakra: Lapis lazuli
Purple - 7th chakra: Amethyst

Mala Sandalwood 108 beads


Sandalwood mala, 108 beads to 8mm

Sandalwood is naturally fragrant and exceedingly smooth. Sandalwood has traditionally been regarded as one of the purest substances and is valued for its cooling properties and its medicinal value as well. It is believed to promote tranquillity as an aid to meditation. Turning the sandalwood beads while chanting is supposed to have therapeutic properties that enhance calmness and a positive frame of mind.

Mala Rudraksha 108 beads


Rudraksha is the divine gift of Lord Shiva for the benefit of humanity. Rudraksha means "Tears of Rudra" (Lord Shiva); they are the holiest items with mystical powers. For thousands of years, people have been using the beads to gain spiritual, material and medicinal benefits. It is believed that one who wears Rudraksha is untouched by sins, and is protected from all negativity. The natural electromagnetic properties of the holy Rudraksha beads have been found to improve concentration, focus and mental stamina. According to Ayurvedic scriptures, wearing Rudraksha can have positive effects on the heart, nerves, and is good for relieving a person from stress, depression, anxiety, palpitations, high blood pressure.

Mala Rock Crystal/Rudraksha AA 108 beads + bag


Rock crystal is a wonderful healing energizer. It stimulates the brain by acting upon the pituitary and pineal glands. It balances all the energy Chakras while reciting \'mantras\' during meditation. Also believed to be good for cellulite or cysts. Crystal protects and heals by neutralising negative influences.
Rudraksha seeds come from the tree with the same name, and are used manyfold in Malas.

Mala Rock Crystal white tassel 108 beads + bag


Rock crystal is a wonderful healing energizer. It stimulates the brain by acting upon the pituitary and pineal glands. It balances all the energy Chakras while reciting \'mantras\' during meditation. Also believed to be good for cellulite or cysts. Crystal protects and heals by neutralizing negative influences.

Size cm 0.8

Mala Rock Crystal AA quality 108 beads 6 mms + bag


Rock crystal is a wonderful healing energizer. It stimulates the brain by acting upon the pituitary and pineal glands. It balances all the energy Chakras while reciting \'mantras\' during meditation. Also believed to be good for cellulite or cysts. Crystal protects and heals by neutralizing negative influences.