Fiore d'Oriente Organic Herbal tea 5th chakra

Loose organic herbal tea, composed for the balancing of Chakra 5: Vishudda.
With lavender, hawthorn, eucalyptus, lemon balm, plantain.

Lavender and hawthorn are sedatives that harmonise the autonomic dystonia (thyroid-heart); lemon balm is antispasmodic, calming and strengthens the wisdom that comes from the heart and has physical and intellectual stimulating actions from mint and thyme. Plantain, elderberry, eucalyptus and thyme are antiseptic and pulmonary anti-inflammatory. This infusion is an adjuvant in disorders of the respiratory tract and in autonomic dystonia and asthenia.*

Packaging: Cardbord box

VAT included




Product specifications
100% organic ingredients

How to use
1 tablespoon in 250ml boiling water, infuse for 20 minutes. Filter, and drink two cups a day.

*This information is not based on scientific research, but on experience by herbal therapists and users. When in doubt about your health, consult a physician.


Data sheet

50 gr