Tuning fork Cosmic Mid-Ohm Tuner

The Cosmic Ohm Tuning Fork creates a vibration that resonates with the 'Cosmic Ohm.' These Tuning Forks give amazing results during meditation, in connecting to universal energies, journeying, or in a sound healing session with a therapist.

This unweighted tuning fork is tuned to Mid-C#: 136.10 Hz. In the Chakra set (product # 19029), this is the fork that corresponds to the heart chakra. The colour it resonates to is blue-green.

Comes in a blue velvet pouch.

VAT included




In India, it is believed that Ohm is the mother of all sounds and languages. Indians, in olden times, were given this tune in meditation naturally, as they opened themselves to the cosmos. Repetition of Ohm enables us to maintain mental and emotional calmness, overcome obstacles and promotes insight. The effect is to relax, soothe, balance and regenerate.