Bach Flowers Sweet Chestnut N°30

Sweet Chestnut elixir according to the methods of Dr. Bach promotes the return of hope in the individual who feels totally lost. Chestnut helps to regain the joy of living.

Negative emotions felt: extreme despair.

VAT included




What is a floral elixir according to Dr. Bach?

Dr. Edward Bach (1886-1936) assumed that certain negative emotional states can have a detrimental effect on our bodily well-being. Thus, rather than directly relieving a physical dysfunction, he advocated the restoration of a psychological balance based on the use of 38 different flowers with harmonizing and positive strength.

This method does not claim to be the solution to all the physical or moral inconveniences that can be encountered but it can play a significant supporting role in case of emotional imbalance.


This flower heals people who suffer from deep, unbearable anguish and who can be won over by discouragement or despair. They consider themselves wrecks because they have reached the limits of what man can bear. The forces of their body and soul are about to give way completely. These people have had bad experiences and have suffered tremendously. They see only destruction and annihilation before which they can only succumb. In their misfortune they have only extreme solitude as companions.

The chestnut, imposing tree and great therapist of this kind of situations, carries in itself the sign of their cure. This is expressed symbolically by the chromaticism of the flowers and the very structure of the plant. The yellow color of the male flowers sharpens the intention of these people so that they can overcome with enthusiasm and optimism all the difficulties inherent in their condition. These people must take this floral remedy by being aware of the need to fight. The union of yellow and green female flowers symbolizes the release of brilliant energy charges that will find the path of spiritual transformation. The straight trunk and the round, elongated foliage of this gigantic tree symbolize the energetic power that will make discouragement disappear. The fruit of this plant will bring an expression of vigorous vigor: it is the chestnut which voluntarily releases itself from its bug bristling with quills.

So Sweet Chetnut can turn a man into a giant wreck. The fate of the one who had lost hope is reversed. The inaccessible jaws of extreme anguish have been overcome and overcome. The desolate plains of desolation have been left behind. We crossed, whistling, the desert of desolation.

Negative states of mind

- Feeling of anxiety that worsens beyond the tolerable

- Condition of the one who has lost all hope

- Black pessimism pending an imminent, inevitable defeat (however, even if we are desperate, we do not think about suicide)

- Feeling like in a cage, behind bars, in the back of the electric chair.

- Passing from one extreme to another "God is in everything ... God is nothing ..."

- Want to throw in the towel, to stay in the tunnel.

- Total daily isolation.

- Live loneliness with the impression of being a nullity.

- Live in anxiety, with the anxiety of fighting against a different destiny.

- Tendency to hide everyone's despair.

- Tendency to surrender completely to resignation.

Psychological therapeutic indications

- Affective mood disorders, accompanied by a depressive syndrome

- Depression with temporary loss of interest in work, associated with appetite disorders, sleep-wake rhythm and libido.

- Psychomotor slowing, decreased energy, feelings of guilt and self-depreciation, difficulty concentrating, short-term amnesia.

In children

- Shyness, apprehension.

- Shrieking suddenly in the dark.

- Speak often about death despite its young age.

- Shame, take refuge in a corner by sadness.

- Discouragement or despair if they feel abandoned by someone

Psycho-organic therapeutic indications

- Alopecia, premature canities due to nervous exhaustion.

- Wrinkles, cutaneous dyschromias, oedematous cellulitis due to "psychic poisons" (disillusionment, annoyance, annoyance, ect.).

Hepatic insufficiency, peptic ulcer, biliary disorders due to black despair.

- Anorexia, inappetence, bulimia, obesity due to a feeling of emptiness.

- Gastric neurosis, peptic ulcer, psychogenic gastralgia.

- Anemia, consumption, tubercular cave due to abandonment and loneliness.

- Rheumatoid arthritis, disabling rheumatic arthrosis due to total darkness.

Amenorrhea, psychogenic sterility, absence of orgasm due to extreme loneliness.

Paresis, hemiplegia caused by a feeling of abandonment.

- Degenerative and neoplastic diseases caused by the feeling of no longer having any emergency exit.

Characteristics of healing

- Anxious tension relaxes and gives way to a positive emotionality.

- We no longer lose ourselves in lamentations but we fight hard to overcome the fate to the contrary

- One relies on intuition and genius to overcome the trials of life.


2 drops under the tongue, or diluted in water, 4 times a day, including in the morning on an empty stomach and at bedtime.


Grape alcohol 27% v/v, aqueous solution of stems, flowers and leaves of Castanea sativa Mill. (dilution 1/500).

Precautions for use

Do not exceed the recommended dose.


Data sheet

ml 20
Anxiety attack