Tuning forks

Tuning forks

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Tuning forks professional starter set


This professional set includes two weighted Mid Om Tuning Forks (both tuned to 136.1 hz), plus detailed instructions, photos and illustrations demonstrating use. Also a Practitioner Activator, and a 26 minute DVD on Tuning Fork Application and a Sound Healing CD.

Massage, Cranial/Sacral and Polarity Therapists, Spa technicians, Chiropractors, and other professionals experienced that these vibrational tools can enhance their treatments and help attune the body on a cellular level.

Size cm: 19x4

50 Hz Nerve Tuning Fork


A nerve fires at a frequency of 50 Hz carrying a message from or to the brain. When a trauma to the body occurs, the nerve tells the brain something is out. The brain reacts to this process by correcting it. If the damage is too great for the brain to repair easily, it starts sending endorphins to ease the pain. If the damage is to the nerve, the frequency for information is hindered in the flow to the brain.

Size cm: 31

Material: Aluminium

Tuning Fork Low Ohm (68.05 Hz)


The Low Ohm Tuning Fork (68.05 Hz) is used especially on the lower part of the body. It creates beautiful overtones when activated. This weighted tuning fork is useful for grounding and opening deep energetic blockages in the body.

Comes in a blue velvet pouch.

Size cm: 26


Tuning Forks Angel


The Angel Tuners are a set of 3 Crystal Unweighted Tuners. The Angel Tuners open our spirit to the Angelic Kingdom. They are based on the ninth octave of the overtone series. In the overtone series a fundamental tone creates a second tone, the second tone creates a third tone, etc. These tones are ascending in pitch. The sound will be delicate and high in pitch.
These 3 tuning forks are based on 4096 Hz, 4160 Hz and 4225 Hz.
They come in a blue velvet pouch.

Tuning forks C & G whole body


These C & G Tuners are 2 unweighted tuning forks. They are based on the Pythagorean or Just Scale, also known as Whole Body Tuners. They create the special interval in music and sound therapies called the Perfect Fifth. In India, this Fifth is believed to create a sound through which Shiva calls Shakti to the Dance of Life. In Polarity Therapy, this star is the physical body in motion and the motion of subtle energy inside the physical body. It is also believed that this is the sound that the Greek Sun God of Music and Healing, Apollo, plucked on his sacred lyre. He did this in order to beckon dolphin messengers to Delphi. Lao Tzu referred to this interval as \'the sound of Universal Harmony\', balancing the forces of Yin & Yang.

Tuning fork Cosmic Mid-Ohm Tuner


The Cosmic Ohm Tuning Fork creates a vibration that resonates with the \'Cosmic Ohm.\' These Tuning Forks give amazing results during meditation, in connecting to universal energies, journeying, or in a sound healing session with a therapist.

This unweighted tuning fork is tuned to Mid-C#: 136.10 Hz. In the Chakra set (product # 19029), this is the fork that corresponds to the heart chakra. The colour it resonates to is blue-green.

Comes in a blue velvet pouch.

Tuning fork set Sacred Solfeggio


The Sacred Solfeggio Tuning Forks are a set of 9 forks, including the 3 missing notes in the sacred frequencies known as the Secret Solfeggio. These were discovered by Dr. Joseph Puleo using the ancient Pythagorean method of reducing the verse numbers to their single digit integers, the codes revealed a series of electro-magnetic sound frequencies that correspond to the 3 missing tones of the ancient Solfeggio scale.
Unweighted funing forks, that come in a blue velvet pouch.

Tuning forks 14 meridians


This set of 14 tuning forks correspond to 12 major meridians and 2 central vessels. These tuning forks are also useful for 14 major organs and organ systems. The process used to balance the meridians is called entrainment. Collins\' English Dictionary defines "entrainment" as adjusting an internal rhythm, so that it synchronises with something external. In balancing with tuning forks, the vibration of the fork will bring the vibration of the internal meridian or organ group back into the correct vibration, to achieve homeostasis.
Unweighted tuning forks in a blue velvet pouch.

Tuning Fork Set Cosmic Octave 11 pieces gold colour


These weighted tuning forks resonate to the orbit of each planet of our Solar System – Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and also Moon and Sun. The planets in the solar system impart significant impact on human lives. Planetary influences can also be seen in our day-to-day affairs. Cosmic rays coming on earth from planets are absorbed by our body and are converted into an electrical energy. This energy is then radiated in the form of our thinking and actions. Different people radiate different levels of electrical charges/vibrations, depending upon the extent of cosmic rays absorbed by them.

50 Hz Nerve Tuning Fork gold colour


A nerve fires at a frequency of 50 Hz carrying a message from or to the brain. When some trauma to the body occurs, the nerve tells the brain something is out. The brain reacts to this process by correcting it. If the damage is too great for the brain to repair easily, it starts sending endorphins to ease the pain. If the damage is to the nerve, the frequency for information is hindered in the flow to the brain.

Tuning Fork Low Ohm (68.05 Hz) gold colour


The Low Ohm Tuning Fork is used on our body, especially its lower part. It creates beautiful overtones when activated.
It is useful in grounding and opening deep blockages in the body.
This tuning fork vibrates at a frequency of 68.05 Hz.
Weighted tuning fork.
With blue velvet cover.